Blockchain vs Traditional Database

Q & ACategory: BlockChainBlockchain vs Traditional Database
Admin Staff asked 5 years ago

Blockchain vs Traditional Database

1 Answers
Admin Staff answered 5 years ago

PropertiesBlockchainTraditional Database
OperationsOnly insert operationsPerform C.R.U.D operations
ReplicationComplete replication of block on very peerMulti-master or Master-slave
ConsensusMajority of peers agree on the outcome of the transactionsDistributed transactions (2 phase commit/Consistency vs Availability)
Invariants Anybody can validate transactions across the network
Business Value of Blockchain
From a business standpoint, a blockchain can be defined as a platform where peers exchange value / electronic cash without the need for a centrally-trusted arbitrator.
For example, for cash transfers, banks act as a trusted third party. In financial trading, a central clearinghouse serves as an arbitrator between two trading parties.
Disintermediation allows blockchain to be a decentralized consensus mechanism where no single authority is in charge of the database.
Decentralization provides quicker transaction speeds, cost savings, and greater trust.