Regarding the Sorter transformation and assuming that Powercenter is not utilizing Pushdown Optimization, select the statement which is correct and true

Q & ACategory: InformaticaRegarding the Sorter transformation and assuming that Powercenter is not utilizing Pushdown Optimization, select the statement which is correct and true
Admin Staff asked 5 years ago

Regarding the Sorter transformation and assuming that Powercenter is not utilizing Pushdown Optimization, select the statement which is correct and true

A. When the distinct checkbox is selected, every port in the sorter transformation will have the sort key selection enabled

B. When transformation scope is set to a value of the transaction, the sorter will sort on every record in the pipeline before it releases any data. The intermediate sort file will have markers for each transaction.

C. If the distinct checkbox is not checked, the sorter will produce one record per unique key

D. The Sorter transformation will utilize database indexes from the source database to perform the sort

1 Answers
Admin Staff answered 5 years ago

A. When the distinct checkbox is selected, every port in the sorter transformation will have the sort key selection enabled