The accuracy is simply how good your machine learning model is at predicting a correct class for a given observation. You build the model with training data and validate with the test data. What are the scenarios which have lower training accuracy as well as low test accuracy termed.

Q & AThe accuracy is simply how good your machine learning model is at predicting a correct class for a given observation. You build the model with training data and validate with the test data. What are the scenarios which have lower training accuracy as well as low test accuracy termed.
Admin Staff asked 5 years ago

The accuracy is simply how good your machine learning model is at predicting a correct class for a given observation. You build the model with training data and validate it with the test data. What are the scenarios which have lower training accuracy as well as low test accuracy termed?

b.High Variance
c.Low Bias
d.High Bias

1 Answers
Admin Staff answered 5 years ago

b.High Variance