Which of the following statements are not correct with respect to Singly Linked List(SLL) and Doubly Linked List(DLL)?

Q & ACategory: Data StructureWhich of the following statements are not correct with respect to Singly Linked List(SLL) and Doubly Linked List(DLL)?
Admin Staff asked 5 years ago

Which of the following statements are not correct with respect to Singly Linked List(SLL) and Doubly Linked List(DLL)?
a) Complexity of Insertion and Deletion at known position is O(n) in SLL and O(1) in DLL
b) SLL uses lesser memory per node than DLL
c) DLL has more searching power than SLL
d) Number of node fields in SLL is more than DLL

1 Answers
Admin Staff answered 5 years ago

d) Number of node fields in SLL is more than DLL